Hellenic Philatelic Society of Great Britain


The Society has a number of publications available - a regular newsletter, a twice yearly bulletin, an annual handbook as well as other miscellaneous publications.  These are currently not issued due to vacancy of editor.


Editor: position vacant

The Newsletter is issued quarterly and maintains regular contact with members of the Society. It contains reports of previous Society meetings, details of new issues, Annual Auction realisations etc.

The Newsletter is free to members of the HPS of GB.



Editor: Position Vacant

The Bulletin is an A4 size publication issued annually. It is the official journal of the Hellenic Philatelic Society of Great Britain and contains a wide range of articles on various aspects of Greek philately.

The Bulletin is free to members of the HPS of GB and can be purchased by non-members at a cost of £3.00 per issue.

For further information on the Bulletin please contact the Editor.



Editor: Position Vacant

In 1982, the Hellenic Philatelic Society of Great Britain commenced producing 'A Handbook of Greek Philately'. This is an A4 size document with loose-leaf sections issued annually. The Handbook provides considerably more detail on many of the stamps of Greece and Greek Territories that can be found in the relevant catalogues.

The 'Handbook Of Greek Philately' is an optional extra available to members of the HPS of GB at an additional cost. Currently this is £5 per year.



Over the years the Hellenic Philatelic Society of Great Britain has produced a number of publications. These include:

(1) Cyprus Watermarks by M. Spencer (1974).

(2) Exchange Control in Greece and its repercussions in philately by Ulysses Bellas (1976).

(3) The Albanian War and its Postal History by Ulysses Bellas (1980).

(4) Greek Rural Postmen and their Cancellation Numbers. Edited by Derek Willan (1994).


Last updated : 1December, 2021 15:24